2020年7月29日 星期三

[Dry Eye] Punctal occlusion techniques

Normally, tears flow to nasal cavity from punctum, canaliculi, sac, nasolacrimal duct.
For people with dry eye, they can consider closure of punctum, to keep their tear staying on the surface of eye.

There are temporary and permanent closure for punctum. 

1.Punctal plug
2.Punctal placement of suture line (just put inside)

Suture(with 6-O or 8-O vicryl; absorbable)+cautery
For understanding, you may watch this video

Risk for infection, or massive bleeding is low.
Eyeball is untouched during this procedure

Nasolacrimal duct obstruction - Wikiwand
(From Wikiwand)
Imaging Features of Malignant Lacrimal Sac and Nasolacrimal Duct ...
(From: AJNR)

