2020年10月6日 星期二

[全球衛生] 20201007 修課筆記

Ending AIDS 2030

1.7 million new infection in 2019

25% new infection subsaharan, young women


38 million people living with HIV: 81% konw, 2/3 get treat, 59% undetected viremia

90% get test

90% get treat

90% are virally suppressed; undetected viremia

unprotected sexual intercourse

vertical transmission

contaminated equippment

World: 3% sex worker,

ME and north africa: 38% inject drug

West E North A: 57% gay

East and south Africa: 79% rest of population

relative risk of HIV acquisition



inject drug

sex worker

Taiwan: 80% MSM; >30,000 people with HIV

demend reduction, supply reduction, harm reduction

2004/06 awareness and inspiration

2005/01 action plan completed

2005/03 plan approved by premier

start pilot project in 1 city and 4 counties

free needle through pharmacy

Methadone 13000/day

testing strategy

ART initiation and retension


1951 ISR

1969 IHR

2003 SARS

2005 IHR


1969 cholera, plague, yellow fever, small pox, tetanus, replasing fever

1981 cholera, plague, yellow fever

1978 smallpox eradication

1995 revision: WHA 48.7, 48.13

2001 revision: WHA 54.14 global health security

2002 revision: WHA 55.16 natual occurence, accidental release or deliberate use of biological chemical agents or radoactive material


national response capacity

reporting mechanism

national focal point

food security


emergent disease



inormation-gathering prerogative

national focal point


new: WHO may use and share information from non-official sources

EMS: event management system

EIS: password-protected event information

GOARN 2000



[一起健康] DrRoy的健康計劃

幫助家人朋友重返健康-這是我們-最大的快樂! 分享我們的故事 ------------------------------------------- 1.避免二次中風、逆轉三高的鋼琴老師-麗施姐 https://tinyurl.com/2nynajvh ...