2020年10月20日 星期二

[全球衛生] 修課筆記20201020

Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex; M tuberculosis, M bovis, M africanum, M canettii, M microti, M pinnipedii, M caprae

Non-tuberculosis mycobacterium(NTM), also called MOTT

Genus: mycobacteria

Family: Mycobacteriaceae

Ghon complex, Ranke complex

hematogenous spread: simon's foci

isoniazide:activation of bacterial catalyze perozidase

KatG mutation


interefere with the synthesis of mRNA by binding to the bacterial DNA-dependant RNA polymerase

all bacteria acheie resistance to RMP by mutation in RNA polymerase subunit B

PZA pyrazinamide

coverted to pyrazinoic acid by PZase

Ethambutol EMB


diarylquinoline drug

target based resistance

non-target based resistance

Rv0678 mutants: clofazimine, bedaquiline



[一起健康] Sheena愛爸行動-大成功!

太神奇了🤣減肥也能白髮變黑髮! 「愛爸行動」成功🏅 好朋友Sheena-2022在兩個月減去8kg逆轉脂肪肝 害羞的爸爸觀察了一年終於決定加入 46天減去10.4公斤🎉 ☘️胃食道逆流不藥而癒 ☘️走路爬樓梯不會氣喘吁吁 ☘️皮膚乾癢改善 ☘️睡眠品質增...