Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex; M tuberculosis, M bovis, M africanum, M canettii, M microti, M pinnipedii, M caprae
Non-tuberculosis mycobacterium(NTM), also called MOTT
Genus: mycobacteria
Family: Mycobacteriaceae
Ghon complex, Ranke complex
hematogenous spread: simon's foci
isoniazide:activation of bacterial catalyze perozidase
KatG mutation
interefere with the synthesis of mRNA by binding to the bacterial DNA-dependant RNA polymerase
all bacteria acheie resistance to RMP by mutation in RNA polymerase subunit B
PZA pyrazinamide
coverted to pyrazinoic acid by PZase
Ethambutol EMB
diarylquinoline drug
target based resistance
non-target based resistance
Rv0678 mutants: clofazimine, bedaquiline