2020年10月22日 星期四
[全球衛生] 修課筆記20201022
Importation tax
domestic tax
packaging, and labelling
eudcation, communication, training and public awareness
tabacco advertising promotion, sponsorship
demand reduction measures concerning tabacco dependence and cessation
illicit trade in tabacco product
sales to and by minor
provision of support for economically viable
protection of the environmenta and health of persons
research, surveillance, exchange of information
reporting and exchange of information
張貼留言 (Atom)
[好醫推薦] 101諾貝爾歐又齊
沈仁翔醫師 關心您 1.青光眼 望不到頭呀 青光眼 https://tinyurl.com/268embm8 險些錯過! 看我斬妖除魔! https://tinyurl.com/3xcw45e9 明察秋毫、洞若觀火 https://tinyurl.com...
ETDRS的全名是Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study 當年(1999)是比較aspirin與黃斑部雷射在糖尿病視網膜病變的效果 (from: Research Gate; ETDRS字母數與視力對照表 ) 比...
視覺不是只有視力 Vision is not only about Visual Acuity 診間不乏聽到視力0.8, 0.9, 1.0的病患依舊在抱怨"視力不好" "字還是看不太清楚" 靜態視力 除了視力之外 對比敏感度也是很重要...
這是一個非常大的題目,可能會花比較久寫完,若是有我沒有提到片子也可以提醒我一下 而且你放心 我不會寫勝敗比較表的 也不會有價目表的 人工水晶體又稱IOL(intraocular lens) 單焦鏡片 -球面鏡片 Alcon: SA60AT, SN60AT(黃片), ...