2020年10月22日 星期四

[全球衛生] 修課筆記20201022

Importation tax domestic tax packaging, and labelling eudcation, communication, training and public awareness tabacco advertising promotion, sponsorship demand reduction measures concerning tabacco dependence and cessation illicit trade in tabacco product sales to and by minor provision of support for economically viable protection of the environmenta and health of persons liability research, surveillance, exchange of information reporting and exchange of information



[一起健康] Sheena愛爸行動-大成功!

太神奇了🤣減肥也能白髮變黑髮! 「愛爸行動」成功🏅 好朋友Sheena-2022在兩個月減去8kg逆轉脂肪肝 害羞的爸爸觀察了一年終於決定加入 46天減去10.4公斤🎉 ☘️胃食道逆流不藥而癒 ☘️走路爬樓梯不會氣喘吁吁 ☘️皮膚乾癢改善 ☘️睡眠品質增...